Grand Rising Family. Wednesday’s Word! In this season of our lives, God is saying, hear me! I’m shutting down those things that hurt you, made you feel inadequate, this is a new season, I’m renewing your mind, things in the past that has caused you pain, you’ll remember them No more. People that has taken you for granted, I’m removing them too. God says, he want our focus set on him. He’s doing new things in our lives. He can’t take us into the future he has plan for us, as long as we hold on to the baggage from the past, Now is the time to surrender it all into the hands of God, so he can move us forward without past distractions. Tears in this season, will be tears of Joy and Amazement. God knows the plans he has for us, and his plans are Good, not burdensome and stressful. Let the Love of God and the work of his hand be our guiding force in this season!(Just a Little Food for your Soul) have a great day. Love 💕 ya. Peace N Blessings